7438 Orange Safety Jacket For Having protection against accidents usually in construction area's.


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Rs. 119.00 Rs. 50.00
7438 Orange Safety Jacket For Having protection against accidents usually in construction area's.

Description: -
UNISEX, 100% Polyester H-Vis Reflective Material, Durable, Breathable, Lightweight and Machine Washable.

• Wear this safety vest and reduce the risk of accidents by increasing the distance at which drivers will see you, stay safe when riding your motorcycle or bike/bicycle, while running/jogging, walking your dog etc.. and for your Car/Auto Rescue and RV Roadside Kit.

• INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS: Construction, Baggage Handling, Security, Traffic Control, Survey, Landscaping, Paving, Railroad, Sanitation, and Volunteers

Specifications: -
Material- Polyester

Dimensions: -
Volu. Weight (Gm) :- 332
Product Weight (Gm) :- 70
Ship Weight (Gm) :- 332
Length (Cm) :- 35
Breadth (Cm) :- 23
Height (Cm) :- 2

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