AM0381 Magic Building Straw Blocks (Multicolor) -100PCS


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Rs. 199.00 Rs. 44.00

About this item

  • Made from durable and safe material
  • Around 50 straws and numerous joints in one pack; help your child practice fine motor skills, while having fun! We make learning so much fun, they won't even know they are gaining valuable learning experiences they can build on the rest of their lives!
  • Number may vary from pack to pack, vibrant colours: featuring vibgyor vibes straw constructor inspires creativity, promotes hand-eye coordination and helps your young learner learn their colours! Enhance your child's creativity and imagination, teaches your child to arrange items in an organized way
  • Colourful and attractive designs to simulates child's curiosity
  • Assembling the blocks to many models, make children realize tall, low, length and short concept, inspire their creativity ability wont be returned if seal pack is opened vibgyor vibes is a trademark of firm vibgyor vibes legal action will be taken against violators; package content: 1 magic building straw blocks; color: multicolor
Rs. 44.00

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