AM0419 Display File


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Rs. 149.00 Rs. 70.00
  • Heavy Duty Stainless Steel 9mm Cutter Knife for Cutting Papers, Wallpapers, Cardboard, Vinyl, Tapes etc set of 1 pc
  • Designed for both left and right hand users Ideal for craft hobbyists and artists, office or home use, suitable for photo, paper, cardboard, fabric, plastic, sheet etc.
  • Craft Knife makes cutting convenient. Great for cutting papers, wallpapers, cardboard, vinyl, tapes, leather, flowers, rubber etc
  • Made of strong and corrosion resistant stainless steel with a thick and sharp knife for long-term use. Perfect Box Cutter Pot
  • A sharp blade is included. To refresh the blade simply snap the point to reveal a fresh one. No device required
  • It comes with self-locking function design, easy to operate, safe to use, light weight and small enough for ease in pocket, belt pouch, tool kit, shirt pocket
  • Cutter is ideal for thicker cuts and can be used for commercial and industrial purpose also

Rs. 70.00

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