AM0709 Silver Ambe Maa Photo Framer (7 x 6.5 CM)


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Rs. 99.00 Rs. 59.00
  • The mere darshan of Ambe maa ignites in us the feeling of reverence and devotion for the supreme. Similarly, the resplendant Pure Silver Photo Frame are perfect to give as a momento to daughters or sons on weddings, anniversaries etc.
  • The silver frame articulately engulfs Ambe maa and represents her blessings. Ideal Gift/Return Gift for All Occasions, It can also be used in Pooja Room of Home.
  • Gifting special showpiece gives royal and rich look wherever it is placed.Perfect Birthday, Wedding, Housewarming and Engagement Gift. Order it as a collectible item and buy it for gifting your friends, family and associates all over.
Rs. 59.00
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