AM0828 Steel Trendy Cloth Shoe Rack with 4 Shelves Shoes Stand (24" Shelf 4)


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Rs. 2,499.00 Rs. 1,110.00
  • <br>AMPLE STORAGE SPACE - Durable 4 tiers Shoe Rack can Store shoes to keep your bedroom, hallway or mudroom well organized<br>
  • <br>Organize Your Welcome Area with this Decent Shoe Rack, Impress your Guests<br>
  • <br>SPACE SAVING SHOE ORGANIZER - This amazing shoe rack will suitable for your cubby walk-in closet, entryway or garage, with wheels for regular heels, sneakers or flats<br>
  • <br>DIMENSIONS in cm: L: 58 x W: 30 x H: 87, Weight - 3.6 kg Material: Mild Steel Pipes and PP Plastic<br>
Rs. 1,110.00

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