AM0853 Diamond Hanging basket Flower Pot(pack of 1)


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Rs. 99.00 Rs. 49.00
  • HINS Plastic Pots Are Designed And Manufactured Maintaining The Highest Quality Standards
  • Can be safely placed on the windowsill or repot your plant, without worrying about falling or breaking
  • HINS Flower pots are suitable for planting most small and medium-sized plants like peace lily, snake plant, mint, orchid, parlor palm, Aloe vera, or herbs, brightening up your living place.
  • "Minimalist Design - The HINS Pots are designed with finishing exterior in soft, round shapes, bringing out a modern visual representation, making the flower pot special, fits for any home/office decor.And smooth glossy inner finish for easy cleaning. Great for replanting, and for flower plant lovers "
Rs. 49.00

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