AM0900 Tainless Steel Casserole With Cover And Handle - 4000ml


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Rs. 399.00 Rs. 186.00
4000 Casseroles sets are designed in double-walled steel to keep food hot and fresh-tasting for hours, while the puff filled lids allows to keep contents fresh for long hours. This insulated container is simple to use, and elegantly designed to take centre-stage at your dining table. If the name,Mayur, brings on nostalgia about school-day tiffin meals, reminds you of daily office-squabbles for hot food from your colleagues lunch boxes, or invokes memories of so many houseware products that brought convenience to life, then you already know who we are and what we do. To introduce ourselves formally, Mayur is one of the leading manufacturers and marketers of houseware products in India. We are the authors of Change, Innovation and Evolution in all we do. Since our inception in 1968 we have established a hug network among the country; this has allowed us to constantly move forward in our endeavour to innovate better and more efficient products for our customers. Our unwavering commitment to this goal, has won us loyalty in India, along with this motive we are moving forward, expanding our product ranges continuously for our loyal Customers.

Rs. 186.00

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