AM1201 Flower Bow Hair Clip 2 Pcs


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Rs. 69.00 Rs. 29.00

 there are 2pcs  hair clips for girls kids snap clips in different style and color, Multicolor hair accessories cute hairclips for girls in one package, come in assorted patterns for you to match different outfits, Cute Charms in Doll shape and Floral Shape Hair Clips. You can change the styles frequently to make daily clothes charming and attractive. No Damage On Hair- Gentle on hair, Strong on style. They don't snag or break strands. Goes well with both thick and fine/ thin hair.  Easy to use - It's easy to wear on the hair and remove, sturdy and durable. Trustable quality and safe to use.  Perfect For Gifting- A perfect gifting option for girls of all age groups. It serves multiple purposes, suits everyday requirements, and can also be used for special occasions.

Rs. 29.00

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