AM2127 Parivaar Premium Dhoop Stick Jar 100Gm


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Rs. 80.00 Rs. 47.00
  • DHOOP STICKS FRAGARNCE: Vidhan Fragrance is always known for its long lasting and mesmerising aroma and in this pack it provides PREMIUM Pineapple aroma Lilly Gugal loban rose and rudraksh i.e. Pineapple aroma Lilly Gugal loban rose and rudraksh flavour fragrance which always had most important place while offering prayers from ancient time in India.
  • WEIGHT - 100 GRAM each total 900 gram
  • FLAVOURS - 9
  • CONTAIN: Vidhan fragrance Dhoop Sticks Pineapple aroma Lilly Gugal loban rose and rudraksh metallic colour dhup batti sticks along with dhoop stick stand holder as gift so sticks can easily be hold.
  • TRADITION: Pineapple aroma Lilly Gugal loban rose and rudraksh have always been at first position while offering prayers in pooja Experience the pure tradition at your home with VIDHAN RAGARNCE Premium Gugal loban and pineapple incense dhoop sticks.
  • SAFETY INSTRUCTION: Keep burning dhup sticks on dhoop stand holder and keep away from flammable articles. ashes should fall on fire proof and heat resistant surface only.

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