AM2441 Fruity Milky Highlighter Set HMC-9139 Double Multicolour Highlighting 6Pcs


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Rs. 199.00 Rs. 75.00
  • Fruity Milky Highlighter Set HMC-9139 Double Multicolour Highlighting 6Pcs

  • Double head design, one head is highlighted, but there is a place for error, you can erase it with the other head. There are no more damaged books. The tip of the erasable highlighter mark makes soft, gentle marks and clears every time. This is also very useful for bullet journal spreads. Whether you are taking notes, storing school or office supplies, or writing a diary, this highlighter is perfect for you! The end of the highlighter is a molded narrow tip, which can be used for wide highlights, thin underlines, and small parts of the pen tip can also be used for writing notes.
Rs. 75.00

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