AM2669 Stunt Car BT-0120 Stunt Rolling Rechargeable Car Lights & Sound 360 Degree Multicolour


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Rs. 1,199.00 Rs. 485.00
  • It is available in four stunning colours: blue, green, red, and yellow. Stunt cars are particularly attractive to children and have really awesome looks. Product will be delivered in any colour depending on stock levels.
  • It can execute all kinds of spectacular stunt actions, including moving forward, backward, front left reverse, right reverse, and upright 90 degree walking like a robot, thanks to the 360 degree front wheel rotation design.
  • When it Blings the Light with Music, the RC Car Looks Amazing. It is a children's musical car toy that provides entrainment.
  • High-quality plastic and rubber are used to create the RC automobile's robust, long-lasting automobile body. Kids may carry the toy and play with it anywhere and at any time because it is lightweight and the right size for storage.
  • A Wonderful Gift You can give this car to children on different occasions, such as birthdays.
Rs. 485.00

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