AM2719 ABCD Puzzle Board Game for Kids Removeable English Alphabet with Corresponding Picture & Their Name - Early Learning Educational Toy for Pre-Schooler & Kindergarten Children-Multicolor


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Rs. 99.00 Rs. 57.00
  • ABCD Puzzle Along with lightweight & durable, it is easy to store and maintain. Alphabet Puzzle pieces with different colors help your little one build color-recognition and understand shapes and remember the Alphabets.
  • Putting the puzzle in the correct places give the baby a sense of accomplishment. This Eva puzzle includes 26 alphabets A to Z with respective pictures Their name. On a board capital alphabets and their cut-outs have been carefully carved out. Each of the 26 alphabets fit perfectly into their moulds and can be easily removed.
  • Playing these puzzles can also help to develop fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, patience and enhance visual perception.
  • Children will start knowing ABCD when they complete the puzzles. The alphabets are designed with vibrant colors. Each alphabet is a pictures that corresponds directly to it, effectively teaching children about letter identification, words, pictures and colors.
Rs. 57.00

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