AM2877 Navo Vyapar Big New Bussiness Game in Gujarati 4 in 1 Game Includes Games Like Business Snake and Ladders, Ludo, Car Rally, Cricket


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Rs. 288.00 Rs. 200.00
  • Navo Vyapar Big New Bussiness Game in Gujarati 4 in 1 Game Includes Games Like Business Snake and Ladders, Ludo, Car Rally, Cricket 

  • Multiple Games in One: The board game includes five different games to keep players entertained - NAVO VYAPAR Business, snake and ladders AND Ludo.
  • 2-4 Player Game: The game can be played with 2 to 4 players, making it perfect for small groups of friends and family members.
  • Real Estate Game: NAVO VYAPAR Business game is a game of buying, selling, banking, and mortgaging properties, which makes it a great way to learn about business and real estate.
  • Develops Problem Solving Skills: The game requires players to make strategic decisions on buying and selling properties, which helps to develop their problem-solving skills.
  • Develops Social Skills: Playing the game helps players learn how to interact with other players and negotiate deals, which helps to develop their social skills.


Rs. 200.00

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