AM2924 Truck Set MD-5508B Construction Vehicle Toy Set with Screwdriver Excavator Truck Pack Of 4


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Rs. 999.00 Rs. 240.00
  • Truck Set MD-5508B Construction Vehicle Toy Set with Screwdriver Excavator Truck Pack Of 4

  • DURABLE TOYS: Made from high-quality plastic, these construction vehicle toys can withstand heavy play and are safe for children ages 3 and up.
  • REALISTIC DETAILS: The excavator features working lights, realistic sounds, and functions just like the real thing with an arm that lifts and turns plus tracks that move.
  • MULTIPLE VEHICLES: This set includes an excavator along with dump truck and screwdriver for taking vehicles apart and putting them back together again.
  • DEVELOP MOTOR SKILLS: As children play, they can work on hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills as they assemble and reassemble the different pieces.
  • ENCOURAGE IMAGINATION: Kids will love pretending to operate real construction machines as they build, dig, and haul while developing problem-solving abilities.
Rs. 240.00

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