AM3624 Police Jeep Big Toy NTP 9124 Car for Kids


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Rs. 499.00 Rs. 169.00

Plastic Police Jeep NTP 9124 For Kids Pack Of 1 Piece

A Plastic police jeep is a toy vehicle designed to resemble a law enforcement jeep, typically made from durable, molded plastic. It often features bright colors like white, blue, and black, with bold police insignia, lights, and sirens for a realistic touch. These toys are usually designed for children, with a sturdy, lightweight frame that makes it easy for little hands to grip and push around. Some models include additional details like working wheels, realistic decals, and movable parts such as doors or a rotating siren. The jeep may also be equipped with an action figure of a police officer, enhancing its playability. Overall, a plastic police jeep serves as a fun, interactive toy that sparks imaginative play and can help children role-play various law enforcement scenarios.

  • Dimension

    Weight (Gm) :- 360

    Length (Cm) :- 35

    Breadth (Cm) :-28

    Height (Cm) :-31
Rs. 169.00

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