AM3746 Twist Whiskey Glasses Set of 6 Pcs 150ml


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Rs. 499.00 Rs. 270.00

 Twist Whiskey Glasses, Set of 6 Pcs, 150 ml

  • Unique Crystal Glass: Our whiskey glasses is made of premium non-leaded crystal that transparent and lustrous glass. Tough thick sides and a heavy base let they feel great in your hand
  • Unusual Stylish Design: The elegant, modern design makes an interesting addition, you will feel much different in your hand than traditional plain glass. Perfect for drinking whiskey!
  • Dimension

    Weight (Gm) :- 1221

    Length (Cm) :- 22

    Breadth (Cm) :- 22
    Height (Cm) :- 8.5
Rs. 270.00

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