AM2893 Stainless Steel Electric Kettle, Detachable 360 Degree Connector Water Boiler Beverage Maker 1.5 L, Silver)


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Rs. 1,999.00 Rs. 429.00

Material This kettle features a stainless steel body which makes it rust-resistant, sturdy and durable. The ergonomic handle gives you a comfortable grip every time you lift it. Dry Boil Protection This feature helps protect the kettle from damage when it has little or no water. This kettle is easy to operate, simple to handle and very easy to clean.  the stylish Ortan 1.5L Electric Kettle heats water faster than a microwave or stove top. It has a capacity of 1.5 litres and a stainless steel body that helps keep the water warmer for a longer time. The kettle's cordless design allows it to be lifted from its base for easy filling and pouring. The heating element of the kettle is concealed. Therefore, it never comes in contact with the water, eliminating mineral deposit build-up.

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