Self Adhesive Transparent Cello Tape 24mm / 1" Width


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Rs. 49.00 Rs. 15.00

BOPP Industrial Packaging Tape-24mm / 1" Width

Transparent Tape - MADE IN INDIA is Ideal for Packing E-Commerce Boxes, Packing Cartons, Export Packaging, Retail Packing and can be used for Arts & Crafts work or for as Office Stationery Product, Quailty Micron adhesive tape, works best for arts, stationaries, Protecting labels from water damage, kid's school projects and other crafty activities, SEE IMAGES FROM OUR BUYERS.

VCR Transparent Tape Suitable for all surfaces as our Premium Adhesive allows you to Paste tape easily On Floors, Wood, Plastics, Metal, Carpets, Long term Storages and other NON DUSTY Sufraces

Transparent Tape Suitable for all surfaces as our Premium Adhesive allows you to Paste tape easily On Floors, Wood, Plastics, Metal, Carpets, Long term Storages and other NON DUSTY Sufraces

High utility-grade Transparent Tape suitable for Domestic, Office & Industrial Use, the Transparent tape is a premium quality BOPP TAPE Made with quality ADHESIVE.

Rs. 15.00

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