12258 Water Bottle High Quality Premium Water Bottle Stainless Steel 680ml


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Rs. 399.00 Rs. 295.00

Water Bottle High Quality Premium Water Bottle Stainless Steel 680ml Water Bottle For Fridge, Office, Sports, School, Gym, Yoga


  • This bottle makes it perfect for carrying with you on any day-trip, or anywhere you go. It can be used at home, gym, work-related function, birthday party, or even just a brunch you're hosting amongst friends, indoor and outdoor entertaining, etc.

  • No matter where you go, you will never have to worry about carrying your water in a safe and secure manner again.

  • This bottle is easy to clean and maintain, use a mild detergent or dish wash liquid and clean on the inside with a bottle brush.

  • It Food Grade, Reusable and Recyclable. Convenient size fits in the side pocket of bags which you can carry for school, Picnic, car bottle holder etc.

Dimension :-

Product Weight (Gm) :- 386

Length (Cm) :- 25

Breadth (Cm) :- 8

Height (Cm) :- 7
Rs. 295.00

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