5913a Meatball Maker with Cutting Spade


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Rs. 199.00 Rs. 27.00

Triple Meatball Maker With Cutting Spade

Creative Kitchen Triple Meatball Maker- With the 3 spoons type design, you can make well-shaped 3 meatballs in 1 time, the triple meatball maker quickly and without dirtying your hands!

Versatile Applications-The wide range of uses for the meatball maker, not just for meatballs but also for cookie dough, rice balls, and more, making it ideal for use in kitchens, bars, restaurants, hotels, and beyond.

Non-stick and Time-saving-The non-stick PP material, making cleaning a breeze and cutting preparation time in half.

Comfortable and Convenient Design- The long handle for a comfortable grip and hanging hole for easy storage, maximizing kitchen space.

Rs. 27.00

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