AM0784 Eveready Ultima AA Battery 400% Long Lasting


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Rs. 22.00 Rs. 18.00

Eveready Ultima AA Battery Highly Durable -1 Pcs

Most Powerful Alkaline Battery: The Eveready Ultima range of alkaline batteries are best-in-class, durable, and reliable. Backed with the most powerful Turbolock Technology these batteries generate better energy density that produces more power and a consistent output throughout.

Suitable For: They are best suited for moderate to high-drain devices such as Smart TV remotes, trimmers and shavers, battery-powered toys, and gaming consoles among other usages.

Leak-Resistant Design: The batteries are designed to be leak-resistant, helping protect your devices from potential damage and giving a consistent and dependable performance. Superior protection with Anti – Leak Turlock Technology reduces the chances of leakage significantly.

Trustworthy Brand: Eveready has been a trusted brand for generations, ensuring you get quality batteries you can rely on. We are committed to environmental responsibility; these batteries are free from harmful mercury and cadmium.


Rs. 18.00

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