AM0954 Belly Beautiful Jug Flower Perfect for Water Jug 1500ml


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Rs. 100.00 Rs. 39.00
  • Belly Beautiful Jug Flower Water Jug 1500ml Multipurpose: This Plastic jug is perfect for serving and storing water, lemonade, juices, squashes, milk shakes and liquids. They are a great option for daily use and for special occasions. You can put it in your fridge and serve chilled juices and squashes to your guests. It can store liquid up to 1500ml
  • 100% Food Grade & Freezer Safe: The water jug are safe to be put in your freezer. Now enjoy your drinks at just the right chilled temperature you want.This water jug are made of high quality BPA free virgin plastic which does not leach any chemicals into your beverage.
Rs. 39.00

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