AM3655 Flair Plastic Polka Pet Fliptop Cap Water Bottles Set Of 4 Pcs


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Rs. 435.00 Rs. 215.00

 Flair Plastic Polka Pet Fliptop Cap (1000 ml, Set of 4, Assorted) Water Bottles

The Polka Bottle is the perfect hydration partner for those with busy lifestyles. Made from sturdy, Polka bottel offers sufficient hydration in a compact and lightweight package. Its wide-mouth opening allows for easy filling, cleaning, and the addition of ice cubes. The bottle's unique grip texture adds to its secure hold, making it suitable for workouts, hiking, or daily use and its flip lock cap reduces the risk of product contamination.

  • Dimension :-

    Weight (Gm) :- 390

    Length (Cm) :- 30

    Breadth (Cm) :- 30

    Height (Cm) :- 28

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