AM3672 SS Lion Achar Spoons No3


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Rs. 99.00 Rs. 26.00

SS Serving Spoons for kitchen 

The hammered set has a simplicity and modern design language, smooth edge with no rough spots and medium weight for comfortable grip. The hammered body gives it a unique texture. Exquisite mirror finish surface always keep its shine, gives it a luxurious and elegant look to suit any occasions. This table spoon is designed with the finest materials and the highest standards in mind. Stainless Steel Ladles are manufactured from good quality stainless steel with Mirror Finish.The materials used ensure that the set is hygienic for contact with food and safe for high-temperature cooking. The spoon can be used for serving variety of food


      Weight (Gm) :- 65

      Breadth (Cm) :- 8

      Height (Cm) :- 29

      Rs. 26.00

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