AM0687 Floor Broom Made of Natural Grass No Dust Broom for Home, Kitchen, Garage, Pantry, School, and Office


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Rs. 210.00 Rs. 142.00
  • FLEXIBLE DESIGN - The Mazic Broom is very flexible with a long handle hence covers a wider area and reduces your need to bend. The flexible design also helps in reaching the nooks and corners of your house.
  • LIGHT WEIGHT AND EASY TO MOVE - Unlike traditional jhadu, our broom stick is light weight and easy to hold with one hand.
  • HELP REDUCE YOUR CLEANING TIME - Extra thick bristle brush head makes dusting effortless both indoor and outdoors. Natural grass is intricately bound. The broom
  • USES - Be it indoor or outdoor, it will clear the dust from every dry place. You can use it in homes, offices, shops or any place you need to it will work everywhere.
Rs. 142.00

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