4400 Torch Projector Light


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Rs. 199.00 Rs. 89.00

Mini Slide Projector Flashlight torch


Versatile Learning and Entertainment:

 The Bedtime Fun Kids Slide Projector Torch is a versatile toy that combines learning and entertainment. It offers a unique way to enhance visual perception, spark creativity, and introduce children to the world of storytelling.

    SPN-MX9E8 Projector Torch for Kids

    Exploration Galore:

    • With 3 slides and 24 patterns, this projector torch offers a wide range of content, including educational materials and enchanting bedtime stories. It's a world of exploration right at your child's fingertips.

      SPN-MX9E8 Projector Torch for Kids


      This toy does more than just project images. Transform it into a soothing night light to create a comfortable bedtime atmosphere, helping your child drift into a peaceful sleep

      SPN-MX9E8 Projector Torch for Kids

      Entertainment with a Purpose:

      By combining entertainment and education, this projector torch cultivates curiosity and provides a holistic learning experience for kids. It's a fun way to instill knowledge and ignite a love for learning.

      SPN-MX9E8 Projector Torch for Kids

      Surprise your child with the gift of imagination and exploration. Whether it's a birthday, holiday, or any special occasion, this projector torch is the perfect present that creates cherished memories during bedtime routines.

      Rs. 89.00

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