0855 Plastics Transparent Jar Shaped Stand-up Pouch With Zipper


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Rs. 199.00 Rs. 21.00
Plastics Transparent Jar Shaped Stand-up Pouch With Zipper

Our Jar shaped pouch with Zipper are made of high-quality 100% food grade material which always gives you an extra bit of utility. These pouches stand out among their peers by bringing you all that you need - elegance, efficiency and endurance, with the ability to be tailored to your needs and with the uncompromising quality. These pouches are designed with both side clear for product visibility and gives elegant look. It designed with zipper so it can be used multiple times.

Inside the Package

  • Large jar bags
  • Medium  jar bags
  • Small  jar bags

Features :

  • Simple and Super easy to use multipurpose Airtight Zip lock Bags Made with best in Class Material.
  • Can be used to store Pickle, Dry fruits, Groceries, Snacks, veggies, Cookies, And Sandwiches without any leakage problem Jar Pouch for Fridge.
  • The Material of the product is much durable so it is very safe to carry, transport, washable and Foldable As well.
  • This Bags are Airtight so can be used to keep Food Fresh for long time

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