Travel Soap Case, Leakproof Soap Container with Lid


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Rs. 199.00 Rs. 32.00

Travel Soap Box

Freshness on the Go

Our Travel Soap Holder keeps your soap fresh and ready for use, eliminating the need for constant replacements. Enjoy the convenience of a hygienic and compact solution for all your travel adventures.

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Hygienic and Convenient

Maintain hygiene by keeping your soap separate from other items, eliminating the need to wrestle with soap wrappers or cumbersome containers. Accommodates various soap shapes and sizes, ensuring you can enjoy your preferred soap bars effortlessly.

Compact Design & Firm Lock

The secure snap-lock lid ensures a tight seal, preventing leaks and spills while preserving the freshness of your soap. Its sleek and lightweight design allows it to fit seamlessly into your travel bag, backpack, or even your pocket, making it exceptionally convenient to carry wherever you go.

Plastic Travel Soap Box - Soap Case Ideal for Travel Accessories (White)


Rs. 32.00

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