3509 Plastic Multipurpose Baskets For Kitchen Storage Kothmir Basket - Multicolor -1pcs


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Rs. 69.00 Rs. 15.00
  • Baskets durable translucent plastic body with design are built to last from premium grade materials that aren’t going to come apart on you when you put them to the test
  • Baskets are versatile and has a stylish look to it. It can be kept in offices, kitchens or bathrooms to enhance the appearance of the room and to keep the surroundings clean & neat
  • These baskets offer seamless storage that can suddenly make your house or apartment feel a whole lot neater and cleaner. If you’re looking for a storage solution that doesn’t break the bank, our storage solution is for you
  • From toy storage in the kids’ bedroom to tool storage in the garage and everything in between, you can use storage baskets to easily organize just about anything you want to keep around, rather than sitting around taking up valuable spa
  • Weight: 44gm
Rs. 15.00

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