3956 Indoor Outdoor Anti-Slip Welcome Rubber Door Mat


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Rs. 299.00 Rs. 131.00
  • Package Contents: 1 Piece Welcome Doormat
  • Dimension: 58cm x 38cm
  • Multi-Purpose Door Mat: This door mat may be used in your front foyer, barn, garage, pool house, patio, lawn, garden, bedroom, laundry room, bathroom, commercial space, pet area and any other high traffic areas to help keep your floors clean and dry.
  • Tough Material: Our mat is designed with a strong, rubber that helps to form a retention dam to trap moisture, mud or other messy unwanted debris from tracking into your home. Plus, the slightly raised polypropylene fabric helps to trap dirt within its patterned grooves and dries quickly to help prevent everyday wear and tear.
Rs. 131.00

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