AM0260 Toothbrushes - Ultra Soft Micro Nano Bristles


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Rs. 90.00 Rs. 29.00
  • Toothbrushes - Ultra Soft Micro Nano Bristles

    • Ultra soft toothbrush is specially designed for sensitive teeth. soft bristles can deeper clean the teeth gaps and sensitive gum walls, eliminate the bad breath of plaque, and always keep the mouth fres
    • 【Unique Toothbrush Design】 Wavy soft bristles can better clean the dead corners of the mouth and prevent the bristles from falling off. In addition, the unique small particle design on the back has the function of cleaning the tongue
    • DEEP CLEANSE - The soft bristles are super dense, there are 20 times more bristles than regular toothbrush, Making much more bristles get into inter-dental spaces and hard-to-reach areas, remove plaque more effectively.
    • GENTLE ORAL CARE - If you have experienced sore gum or bleeding gum problem, this one could be an ideal choice for your daily oral care, super effectively for sensitive teeth and gums, for example pregnant woman and Elderly.
Rs. 29.00

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