AM0966 Plastic Food Storage Containers Set 200/500/1500/3500 Gm


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Rs. 300.00 Rs. 95.00
  • hese jars are odourless and airtight which ensures the freshness of content fresh and intact for long time.
  • Easy to open lid kitchen container :- The Containers have swift & easy to operate lid, Ideal for dry food, pulses, spices. The lid design ensures that the flavor remains intact.
  • Air Tight freshness seal lock ensures that your contents stay fresh until you need them. The Freshness Seal prevents entry of moisture and inhibits the growth of any fungus, bacteria and keeps away bugs, pests and other insects that can contaminate your food.
  • Set of Three containers, ideal for storing multiple items
  • Dishwasher-safe feature makes it easy to clean and maintain
Rs. 95.00

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