AM0978 B6526 Indian Round Mini Katori 8.255cm


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Rs. 57.00 Rs. 49.00
This elegant dinner bowl or Katori from FabIndia is just perfect for you. The bowl comes in a pleasing hue with an embossed design. Use this bowl to serve your tastefully prepared soups, curries, meals and a lot more to your family and friends.


All our products are meticulously handmade by master ceramic artisans one piece at a time. Due to this, there may be variances in size, shape or colour, from one item to the next, slight pin holes or surface level crazing on glazes. Such variations are inherent in the manufacturing of handmade and hand painted ceramics/terracotta, so you should expect distinctions that will make your purchase special and truly one of a kind. 8.255cm

Rs. 49.00

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