AM2375 Lion Stainless Steel Noble Baby Spoon Set 6Pcs


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Rs. 205.00 Rs. 92.00
  •  Lion Stainless Steel Noble Baby Spoon Set 6Pcs

  • Soup spoon set of 6: This spoons silverware set includes 6 dinner spoons, making it perfect for families or entertaining guests. They are the perfect complement to any table setting, adding a touch of sophistication to your dining experience.
  • Premium quality: Crafted of extra-fine 18/0 stainless steel, these table spoons can be washed in dishwasher without any issues. Heavy duty materials make the spoons rust resistant and will last for years.
  • Elegant design: Mirror finish surface of the head, satin finish surface of the handle and the stylish shape will impress you and your family members
Rs. 92.00

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