AM2405 Trueware Pearl Gift Set Water Jug & Casserole Inner Steel 2Pcs Multicolour


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Rs. 1,130.00 Rs. 735.00

Trueware Pearl Gift Set Water Jug & Casserole 

Trueware casserole meal set is made out of best materials with exquisite chromed top, break safe complete product. It makes lock cover lid. The internal body is made of high grade stainless steel. The plastic external body is shaped out of virgin food grade plastic (BPA free & FDA Free). With an exceptional chrome finish it gives a modern look, which is one of the standout basic in your kitchen assortments. We can purchase this item for high utility and gifting. Washing Instructions: Use mild detergent for washing. Dry thoroughly after washing. Clean the outer body with sponge instead of brush or scrub. General care: Do not attempt to separate the inner stainless steel container from its main body. Do not place the casserole over or in close proximity of fire. Tips for Optimum Use: Prior to storing hot food stuff, pre-condition the casserole by pouring a little hot water, rinse and empty contents. Similarly for cold articles, rinse with cold water. Transfer the food into the casserole as soon as it is prepared. Store to full capacity. Do not use in Microwave. Special P.U. Insulates keeps contents warm for many hours. Mirror Finish Stainless Steel Bowl. Aesthetically Designed Outer Body & Lid. Disclaimer: Do not use any kind of hard substance or scrubber to clean the inner or outer body of Casserole.

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