AM2413 Trueware Vienna Microsafe SS Bowl Set 1000ml 3Pcs


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Rs. 835.00 Rs. 545.00

Trueware 3 Pcs Beige Wooden Finish Casserole Set, Capacity: 1000 ml & 1000 ml & 1000 ml is a premium quality product from Trueware . Moglix is a well-known ecommerce platform for qualitative range of . All Trueware 3 Pcs Beige Wooden Finish Casserole Set, are manufactured by using quality assured material and advanced techniques, which make them up to the standard in this highly challenging field. The materials utilized to manufacture Trueware 3 Pcs Beige Wooden Finish Casserole Set are sourced from the most reliable and official vendors, chosen after performing detailed market surveys. Trueware products are widely acknowledged in the market for their high quality. We are dedicatedly involved in providing an excellent quality array of 

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