AM2615 Attro Aarogyam Orra Alice Floral Copper Water Bottle 1000ml Designer pack of 1 Pcs


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Rs. 1,999.00 Rs. 1,259.00
  • Attro Aarogyam Orra Alice Floral ACB122 Copper Water Bottle 1000ml Designer pack of 1 Pcs

  • Drinking copper - enriched water first thing in the morning empty stomach helps balance all three doshas 
  • Ensures proper functioning of different organs and several metabolic processes
  • IMPROVES IMMUNITY, NERVOUS SYSTEM and DIGESTIVE SYSTEM - Water stored overnight in copper bottle improves immunity, nervous system and keeps digestive system healthy
  • HEALTHY SKIN and SLOWS DOWN AGEING Besides numerous benefits, copper plays an important role in skincare too. Copper aids in the production of melanine which is responsible for the colour of skin
Rs. 1,259.00

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