AM2777 Niks Toilet Cleaner 500ml


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Rs. 89.00 Rs. 30.00

 Niks Toilet Cleaner 

ADVANCED FORMULA: Sanifresh Toilet Cleaner features an advanced formula that effectively cleans and disinfects your toilet bowl, removing tough stains and leaving it sparkling clean.

50X CLEANING POWER: With its powerful cleaning agents, Sanifresh Toilet Cleaner provides 50 times better cleaning than ordinary cleaners, ensuring a hygienic and germ-free toilet.

LONG LASTING FRESHNESS: The cleaner's long-lasting fragrance keeps your bathroom smelling fresh and clean for hours, making it a great choice for busy households.

TOUGH ON STAINS: The cleaner's powerful formula effectively removes tough stains like hard water stains, rust stains, and lime scale, leaving your toilet bowl looking clean and shiny.



Rs. 30.00

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