AM3562 Triply SS TADKA PAN No.02 with Handle Pack Of 1 Pcs


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Rs. 631.00 Rs. 375.00

Stainless Steel Heavy TADKA PAN with Unbreakable Long Handle Pack Of 1 Piece 

  •  products are built on the pillars of safety, innovation, durability and trust, making the brand the first choice in millions of homes
  • Thick & heavy gauge helps in even heating of the seasoning ingredients for a perfect taste without burning/over heating.
  • Heavy stainless steel body makes this metal spatula friendly, non-stick, unbreakable and its metallic finish will lasts forever. The Tadka pan has a well-balanced design and provides stability to base while cooking on hot temperature.
  • Long handle made with thick steel makes handling easy and comfortable. Bakelite grip makes it ergonomic friendly even on high heating.
  • Dimension

    Weight (Gm) :- 407

    Length (Cm) :- 34.5

    Breadth (Cm) :- 34.5

    Height (Cm) :- 5
Rs. 375.00

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