AM3568 Aakar Mini Can No3 Stainless Steel For Kitchen


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Rs. 149.00 Rs. 85.00

Stainless Steel Mini Milk & Ghee Barni For Kitchen Pack of 1 Piece

  • Made out of high quality , food grade , heavy guage , stainless steel
  • SIZE - 100ml (approx. ) , Body is JOINTLESS ie without any welding
  • Useful to store ghee for pooja in Mandir
  •  The pot has a , simple , sober plain glossy finish to make it more appealing . It is made from rust proof stainless steel which ensures your milk doesn't split by reacting with the container , remains hygienic , the pot comes with an inner lid system which reduces the spillage of milk . The handle provided at the neck of the body is welded strongly to the body which makes sure long life of the pot . The neck of the pot is broad enough to provide easy cleaning of the product. Daily utility , long life , easy to use , easy to clean
  • Dimension :-

    Weight (Gm) :- 90

    Length (Cm) :- 7

    Breadth (Cm) :- 7

    Height (Cm) :- 8
Rs. 85.00

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