AM3646 Rishab Cool water Bottel 900


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Rs. 175.00 Rs. 90.00

Rishab Cool water Bottel 900 Pack of 1 Piece 

Rishabh along with it's authorized distributor Nayan traders brings Cool Water Series Water Bottle which is manufactured in India.The water bottle is leak resistant and has been designed for rough and tough daily use.The bottle is insulated bottle which means that bottle can retain heat or cold temperatures no matter the temperatures of the surroundings for long hours.The bottle can be prefect companion for office,school or for travelling purpose and it is specially designed to perform above mentioned role.If you take bottle everyday to office/school or frequently travel than this bottle is perfect for you.

  • Dimension :-

    Weight (Gm) :- 156

    Length (Cm) :- 7.5

    Breadth (Cm) :- 16

    Height (Cm) :- 28
Rs. 90.00

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