AM3650 Rishabh Nutri Steel Small Lunch Box Set of 1 Pcs


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Rs. 649.00 Rs. 339.00

 Rishabh Nutri Steel Small Lunch Box With 1 Spoon, 2 Containers Lunch Box Pack of 1 Piece

  • Two Spacious Containers: With two separate containers, this lunch box offers ample space to pack a variety of foods, allowing you to keep your meal components separate and fresh until it's time to enjoy.
  • Secure Seal for Freshness: The containers come equipped with a secure, leak-proof seal, preventing any spills or leaks and ensuring your food remains fresh and intact during transport.
  • Versatile and Eco-Friendly: This lunch box is versatile and eco-friendly, allowing you to reduce single-use plastic waste while conveniently carrying your meals to the office, school, or outdoor adventures
    • Dimension :-

      Weight (Gm) :-  430

      Length (Cm) :- 20

      Breadth (Cm) :-15

      Height (Cm) :- 15
Rs. 339.00

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