AM3764 CELLO Glass Mixing Bowl Without Lid 1500ml


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Rs. 249.00 Rs. 161.00

       CELLO Glass Mixing Bowl Without Lid 1500ml Pack Of 1Pcs 

  • Clear View: Crafted from high-quality clear glass, these mixing bowls provide a crystal-clear view of your ingredients, allowing you to monitor consistency and texture with ease. Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to precision cooking.
  • Non-Porous Construction: The non-porous nature of the glass ensures that your food remains safe and healthy. Use these bowls to mix, marinate, and serve without worrying about harmful chemicals leaching into your food.
  • Scratch Resistant: Made from toughened glass, these bowls are scratch-resistant, maintaining their clarity and pristine appearance even after multiple uses. Enjoy years of reliable performance without compromising on quality.
  • Multi-Purpose Usage: Whether you're mixing ingredients, marinating meats, or serving salads, these bowls are up to the task. Their sleek and practical design makes them a versatile addition to any kitchen.
  • Dimension

    Weight (Gm) :- 724

    Length (Cm) :- 21

    Breadth (Cm) :- 21
    Height (Cm) :- 21
Rs. 161.00

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